Odds and Ends Page 10

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Usagi and Rei caught in mid-fight.
"What do you mean this is proof of our yuri love?!"

  • Subbed, uncut Sailormoon SailorStars is running on Showtime on the Dish Network
    And the best part is, by not advertising it's existence, nobody will watch it! It'll be just like it not running at all!

  • Sailor Stars is running on HBO in Spanish.
    Whoa, can two networks really run it at the same time? And why would an English-speaking network run a program in a foreign language, especially when it's not the original language it was recorded in?

  • Sarah Michelle Gellar is going to play Sailor Moon in the live-action movie.
    And she will be joined by her Cockney companion, Tuxedo Spike! Blimey!

  • Sarah Michelle Gellar voiced a Sailormoon movie in 1995.
    1995 is when the S movie came out in Japan. I sincerely doubt a Japanese company would pursue a then-unknown American actress to act in their Japanese-language feature.

  • Alicia Silverstone is going to play Sailor Moon.
    Wow, and the person who said this was Clueless too! *rimshot*

  • Hillary Duff is going to play Sailor Venus.
    *silence* Whoever said this shall die a bloody death...

  • The SOS is attempting to acquire and dub Sailor Stars.
    Ah, this would be the version featuring the Princes of Kinmoku who summon their Twin Sister Princesses to fight in their place? Seriously, though, SOS doesn't have the facilities or the hard cash to acquire and produce a dub. Which is why they've never attempted to nor claimed to be in the process of acquiring rights.

  • The reason Sailor Moon originally stopped dubbing at Episode 65 was because it's Disney Tradition.
    First, while DiC does have some ties to Disney, Disney had NOTHING to do with Sailor Moon. Actually, 65 was chosen for the initial run because it was easier to get into syndication with that number of episodes (meaning it would run Monday through Friday for roughly three months.)

  • Madman Entertainment of Australia is going to be dubbing Sailor Stars for the Australian audience.
    "Aight, in the name o' the moon, I'll make ya KISS the moons!" In addition to the fact that even S and SuperS have still not run in Australia, Madman doesn't dub or sub any titles themselves, they actually buy up licenses (the dub and sub productions, in other words) from R1 distributors. The Australian Sailormoon is the same English dub shown everywhere else. This rumor stems from SOS Australia, which has spawned quite a few silly rumors of their own.

  • DiC produced the anime, which is the one you see in America.
    DiC produced the DUB of the JAPANESE anime. There's a whole page that summarizes the anime as being only the DIC version, hence "Zoicite is a girl in the anime" "Raye's so mean in the anime!", oh, and Zoisite and Kunzite are supposed to be lovers in the manga. Also false - this subplot was created for the anime. The Shitenno get along as friends and allies in the manga, but none of them are in love with each other (sorry, yaoi fangirls.)

  • Sailor Moon's name is Czarina.
    Too bad she was killed during the communist revolution.

  • The episode when Czarina found out Darien was Tuxedo Mask and when Darien found out that Czarina was Sailor Moon, they defeated evil together and they realized that they were destined to be with each other. That was so sad, because the next day, none of the Sailor girls or Darien remembered each other like they never were a team and fought evil together and Darien and Czarina didn't know each other too.
    Sure, if you skip roughly twelve episodes and try to make up what happened between them.

  • Minako and Ami are lovers.
    Don't make me whip out the shonen-ai doujinshi, because I will if you keep making up shoujo-ai pairs!

  • Sailor Moon's powers let her fly.
    Sailor Moon can't actually fly until the very end of the anime, when her fake Eternal Sailor Moon wings become real. In the manga, she does fly once or twice as Eternal Sailor Moon because in the manga the wings are real, but those aren't really powers so much as a natural extension of her own appendages in that form.

  • Serena (Princess of the Moon) is destined to be with Darian (Prince of the Earth). Serena never doubts this for a minute, unlike Darian.
    They are not "fated" to be together - the love between the earth and the moon was forbidden, and ultimately both of them died for it. Mamoru never doubts his own love for Usagi, only that fate will allow them to be together (considering how he's died a few times, he's got a good reason to be so doubtful...) They keep enduring as a couple because of the strength of their love defies the constant attempts of fate to tear them apart.

  • Sarena name changes to Princess Serenity when she becomes the princess in the original series but her mother is also called Princess Serenity, so the dub has Queen Serenity (Serena mother) and Serena/Princess Serena.
    The dub never explained why they kept Usagi's name the same when she was also the princess. In the original, USAGI's name as the princess is Princess Serenity, and her mother has always been Queen Serenity.

  • Cosmic Moon Power: Serena says this when using the Cosmic Crescent Wand with the Imperium Silver Crystal.
    The wand's name in the dub is the Crescent Moon Wand. "Cosmic Moon Power" is only used in the dub when Sailor Moon is using the wand offensively. She also uses the wand with the silver crystal to heal and says a different phrase for this.

  • Amy's IQ approaches that of a genius.
    A genius level IQ is usually considered to be 150. As Ami's IQ is estimated around 300, I'd have to say she's well exceeded the qualifications of being a genius.

  • Ami's computer is used to scan enemies.
    In addition to everything else it does, like seeking out properties of other dimensions, tracking down crystals, reading the properties of illusions...it is a SUPER computer after all.

  • Raye is very popular and goes out on dates more than the others.
    We saw Rei date a grand total of one guy during the anime, and that was Mamoru. And Usagi and Mamoru have easily exceeded those few dates. She is often characterized, though more in the manga than the anime, of being distrustful of men. And if the R movie is to be believed, Rei is unpopular because of her powers (though one episode of R suggests she practically has a fan clubO_O).

  • Raye dreams to be a singer/song writer, a model, and a wife.
    As Rei already distrusts men, I doubt she dreams of marrying one. Her official profile lists her sole dream as becoming a head Shinto priestess.

  • Lita is the practical minded Sailor Scout.
    Maybe as far as house work goes, but beyond that...practicality is not to be described for someone who solves a good number of her problems with her fists or someone who believes that every guy she meets looks like her sempai.

  • Jupiter generally serves as a morale booster (in combat only).
    If by morale boosting you mean "blows the living daylights out of practically everything in her way." Jupiter is a powerhouse, and approaches her opponents likewise.

  • Just about every boy she finds cute reminds here of her old boyfriend, but Lita seems to be fond of Andrew.
    Usagi and Minako also crushed on Motoki, and Usagi much longer than Makoto ever did. Actually, Makoto is only interested in Motoki in one episode - she's over him pretty quick. And I thought you said she was practical!

  • Lita is the tallest Sailor Scout.
    While she is taller than the first five, Haruka is still the tallest (though Taiki is close - and still taller than Makoto).

  • Lita's strong points: Cooking, fighting ability, strength.
    Only cooking, and that's from the manga stats list. The anime stats list says it's bargaining.

  • Mina's least favorite subject: Everything besides physical education.
    This is only true for the anime (and this profile doesn't say what it's reffering to.) In the manga, only Math and English are listed.

  • Rini is the daughter of Princess Serena and Prince Darien.
    Chibi Usa is the daughter of her parent's CURRENT incarnations, who gain the titles of Neo-Queen Serenity and Neo-King Endymion. Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion were these character's past incarnations, who died during the Silver Millenium.

  • Rini was sent to the past so she wouldn't be captured.
    Chibi Usa is sent to the past to retrieve the ginzuishou.

  • Rini's robotic cat companion takes the place of Luna as her protector, as well as serving as a multipurpose tool.
    The Luna-P is hardly a robotic cat - it's a round toy that sort of looks like Luna.

  • Rini's real name is Serena, but she goes by Rini so they aren't confused.
    In the dub, Rini's full name is actually never given...while one would assume that Rini was short for Serena, nobody ever says that she is really named Serena, so it's silly to assume her full name is Serena when nobody else ever mentions it. "Chibi Usa" actually came about only when Chibi Usa came to the past and it's the other girls who nickname her Chibi Usa (and in the manga, she doesn't like it either).

  • Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn form the Outer Circle Scouts.
    Their official name is the Soldiers of the Outer Solar System.

  • Dead Scream: Sailor Pluto actually says nothing during this attack. She produces a massive sonic scream which can disable opponents and destroy various structures.
    That's what she would say if you just made everything up before watching the show. In actuality, Pluto says the phrase "Dead Scream" and creates an energy attack that has nothing to with screaming. She's never seen using it to destroy various structures, and because it is a purely offensive attack, it does not "disable" the monster.

  • Dead Scream appears during Sailormoon R.
    None of Pluto's attacks or henshins appear during R in the anime, nor the Black Moon arc of the manga. These don't make their first appearence until S in the anime, and the Infinity Arc in the manga.

  • Deep Submerge: Sailor Neptune says this to call up a massive funnel of water, which she can direct at an enemy.
    Again, it's an energy attack. There isn't even a funnel involved at any point, though tidal waves appear during the animation.

  • Saturn's name is Helen Troy.
    Unless her mother was a Greek princess seduced by the god Zeus in the form of a swan and born when her mother laid eggs, I'll have to say that you're thinking of the wrong person.(Psst...her name is STILL Hotaru...)

  • Catsy is the most aggressive of the four sisters. She requests very little help from droids, and she doesn't mind fighting toe to toe with the Sailor Scouts.
    Kooan uses the droids quite a bit, she just winds up with three episodes where she's not sent out for a mission using a droid.

  • Birdy is the least combatative and the most quiet of the four sisters. She's also the most intelligent. She relies on intricate plans to obtain her objectives. She also has the least quarrels between her and the other sisters. In public life, she generally dresses conservatively, but in all other times, the opposite is true.
    Berthier is hardly quiet - none of the sisters are particularly silent individuals. The others have also used intricate plans to obtain their objectives. And she still fights with the other girls because they ALWAYS fight - loads of sibling rivalry. And she doesn't dress particularly conservative either, just not ridiculously low-cut (i.e. Kaolinite). There's other things to be said of Berthier, but not any of THOSE statements.

  • Avery is the least concerned of the four sisters about their mission. She was defeated by Sailor Venus and became human at the encouragement of her sisters.
    Calaveras is about as concerned with the mission as the others. She's rarely shown without Petz, so it's hard to judge, sadly, because all we see of those two involves them quarreling most of the time. She was actually defeated by the entire Sailor Team, along with Petz, though techinically Petz was the one who defeated her. In the manga, she is defeated and killed by Sailor Venus.

  • Prisma was defeated by Sailor Jupiter and turned good at the encouragement of her sisters.
    Again, this is the manga mixing with the anime - in the anime, she was defeated by the Sailor Team. In the manga, she was killed by Sailor Moon.

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