If you want to link me...well, you'll have to wait on the buttons. Feel free to make your own if you wish, though. Just link back to http://www.f-d-r.com.

If you're looking for other sites, well here's a random assortment of sites I like. If you want to find Sailor Moon links, you'll have to check SMULC for those.

Anime on DVD: This is a resource for the latest news in what anime series have currently been licensed, with particular concern towards series being released on R1 DVD.

Sluggy Freelance: Daily comic strip about a guy, his inventor friend, a girl, a homocidal talking rabbit, an easily distracted talking ferret, a psychotic gymnastic assassin, and their wacky adventures. Poor description, but Sluggy kind of defies description. Expect at least a week getting through the archives.

Angel Moxie: Another favorite of mine! It's an intriguing tongue-in-cheek magical girls comic that's set in some vaguely Japanese American community.

  • Eversummer Eve: Fantasy strip that starts off in Atlanta, Georgia and winds up in another world. And it's got a bishi elf-like guy. The archives are availible by a subscription to WirePop, but the newest pages are free.

  • Homestar Runner: Site filled with ever-growing archive of hysterical Flash cartoons featuring a wacky cast of indescribably funny characters. Learn the meaning of...Trogdor.

  • Snopes: If you're wondering whether running naked in the evening will scare the terrorists, or if Proctor and Gamble really does support the Church of Satan, read here. Be warned, however. This site has so many interesting stories that you may find yourself perusing it for hours.

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