Welcome to the personal domain, F-D-R.com. What, pray tell, does "F-D-R" stand for? Why, it's...oh, read the section. Currently, it's a collection of my various websites - all three of them. But expect there to be much more. And the best part is, there are no ads to be seen. So plug-in to the content there is! F-D-R.com, TRANSMISSION!

Click the hearts to the left for the site sections. Use the ALT tags to navigate. If the ALT tags do not work, use the site map.

Damn, it's February. STUPID REAL LIFE! The very ancient domain project I spent over a year bragging about over at SMULC has finally come to fruition. Currently, there's only a few sites, only one of which is updating regularly. But now that the biggest hurdle I needed to overcome, getting the blasted domain launced, has been cleared, expect those long hinted at sites to come about. Especially the much-delayed but never forgotten Tuxedo Kamen shrine. Watch this space for future domain developments - and in the meantime, if you're looking for updates to the individual sites, look at the respective site. And with the coming of February and Valentines day, isn't it appropriate to have Roll-chan open the new era of my websites? Roll-chan...ahhhh, so kawaii...kawaii...kawaii...

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