The Sordid History of the SOS Campaign

Save Our Sailors organization has a long but checkered history with American fandom. SOS originally formed in 1996 as a fan organization to bring Sailormoon back to North American television after it's initial cancellation. A noble concept, but their campaigns have ranged from corny, to downright misleading, to outright lying. They easily manipulate new fans who don't know their past history and use it to make a name for themselves. This section is here to show new fans why the SOS is not a valid source for Sailormoon and that their place in history is, despite their best efforts, is as a fradulent fan group with delusions of grandeur.

As the organization supposedly closed in late 2004, this article will remain static, unless the SOS returns from the dead (which they've actually done before.)

  • Exaggeration of Status
  • False Information
  • Mistreatment of Fans
  • Sources

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